I didn't realize quite how long it had been since I posted, until a friend mentioned she missed my "now-defunct blog". Whoops! I guess it has been awhile. Ok, you're right. A looooong while. There's a lot to tell...do you have all day? I'm guessing you don't, so I'll give you the Cliff's Note version to get you up to speed on the Marty Party. As always, if you'd like to see the photos larger, just click on them.
November 2010
* Amelia turns one!
* Henry Keith Marty is born!
* Miles Jeffrey Marty is born!

December 2010 - February 2011
* Feed babies, burp babies, change baby diapers...200 a week to be exact.
March 2011
* We leave the beautiful state of California, headed for greener pastures.
April 2011
* We temporarily settle in Menomonee Falls, WI with Branden's parents.
* Branden starts a new job at Great Lakes Naval base, just north of Chicago.
* We put an offer on a house in the Chicago suburbs.
May 2011
* We buy our first home in Skokie, IL!
* We begin renovations on said home.

June 2011
* Still commuting from Wisconsin.
* Stiiiiiillllll renovating.
July 2011
* Ready or not, the movers come!
* We move in to our "new" home!
August 2011
* Settle in to our new home/city/state.
* Continue the never-ending home renovations.
* Diapers continue to be delivered by the case.
And here we are! As of September 2011, we are the proud parents of three beautiful babies and the proud owners of one cute little house in the 'burbs.

SOOO glad to *see* you again! ;)
Your kids are adorable!
Sounds like you've been very busy and that things are going well with you and your family.
Let me know if you ever decide to visit a little further north (twin cities area) and maybe we can actually meet up IRL! Our boys can have a play date!
Was I the "friend"?? I am so happy that the Marty Party is back in action! It was great seeing you today - so glad you stopped by! :)
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