Happy August! Where has this summer gone? It seems like this particular summer is flying by faster than most, but maybe that's just me. Either way, July was a blur! We were really busy, but got to see many family and friends, which was wonderful.
We started the month with a quick trip to Grandpa Rowe's, to celebrate both the 4th of July and Grandpa's 85th birthday. Most of the Rowe family joined us in Northern Wisconsin, so we got to see many family members that we hadn't seen since Ellen and Ryan's wedding last winter. Here is a little photo collage of the weekend; if you want to see more photos (with captions), click here.

After we got back from our visit to Wisconsin, we were busy helping finish up the last minute preparations for my sister's wedding. In the middle of the month, we headed to Detroit to celebrate the big day. It was a beautiful weekend, again filled with family and friends. To see more photos, click here.

Besides our trips back to the Midwest, July was filled with various celebrations. We hosted a baby shower for two pregnant friends, a wedding shower and celebrated our five year wedding anniversary! We also enjoyed three sun-filled days at the lake with the Deal/Garza family after Christina and Daniel's wedding. For more photos, click here.

Of course, through all of this, Baby Diego continues to grow like a weed! He/she is moving all the time and Branden and I enjoy watching my belly move with his or her acrobatics. It's amazing how a baby weighing less than two pounds can make such a ruckus! My "bump" started to really show in week 19 and seems to grow everyday now. I'm still feeling great, but the warm summer days and long hours at work definitely take their toll. Branden has been wonderfully supportive, giving foot and back rubs with little complaint.
We're almost done with our childbirth classes and will take a few more miscellaneous classes before Diego arrives (CPR, newborn care, etc). I can't say I'm excited for labor and delivery, but I'm certainly feeling more prepared thanks to our classes. Again, Branden has been wonderfully supportive and encouraging (he's probably also very thankful that he doesn't have to go through the actual contractions and pushing!).
We've slowly started to put together the nursery and are trying to balance our excitement with a little together time and relaxation (knowing that this time will be short-lived once the little one arrives!). We've got a few more quick trips planned for August and then one last "hurrah" in September - a week-long trip to Spain (don't worry, we have the midwife's blessing). After that, we'll be close to home, making final preparations and enjoying our last moments of peace and quiet.
Thanks for checking in!

We started the month with a quick trip to Grandpa Rowe's, to celebrate both the 4th of July and Grandpa's 85th birthday. Most of the Rowe family joined us in Northern Wisconsin, so we got to see many family members that we hadn't seen since Ellen and Ryan's wedding last winter. Here is a little photo collage of the weekend; if you want to see more photos (with captions), click here.

After we got back from our visit to Wisconsin, we were busy helping finish up the last minute preparations for my sister's wedding. In the middle of the month, we headed to Detroit to celebrate the big day. It was a beautiful weekend, again filled with family and friends. To see more photos, click here.

Besides our trips back to the Midwest, July was filled with various celebrations. We hosted a baby shower for two pregnant friends, a wedding shower and celebrated our five year wedding anniversary! We also enjoyed three sun-filled days at the lake with the Deal/Garza family after Christina and Daniel's wedding. For more photos, click here.

Of course, through all of this, Baby Diego continues to grow like a weed! He/she is moving all the time and Branden and I enjoy watching my belly move with his or her acrobatics. It's amazing how a baby weighing less than two pounds can make such a ruckus! My "bump" started to really show in week 19 and seems to grow everyday now. I'm still feeling great, but the warm summer days and long hours at work definitely take their toll. Branden has been wonderfully supportive, giving foot and back rubs with little complaint.
We're almost done with our childbirth classes and will take a few more miscellaneous classes before Diego arrives (CPR, newborn care, etc). I can't say I'm excited for labor and delivery, but I'm certainly feeling more prepared thanks to our classes. Again, Branden has been wonderfully supportive and encouraging (he's probably also very thankful that he doesn't have to go through the actual contractions and pushing!).
We've slowly started to put together the nursery and are trying to balance our excitement with a little together time and relaxation (knowing that this time will be short-lived once the little one arrives!). We've got a few more quick trips planned for August and then one last "hurrah" in September - a week-long trip to Spain (don't worry, we have the midwife's blessing). After that, we'll be close to home, making final preparations and enjoying our last moments of peace and quiet.
Thanks for checking in!

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