This time around, Branden got to fly out to meet the ship, so I went out to the Cabrillo Monument on the top of Point Loma to watch him fly out. He was able to get pretty close and give me a little rocking of the wings to say goodbye. The tourists up there with me all thought I was crazy (I was jumping up and down and waving to make sure he saw me), but once I explained, they started waving too!
Thanks to my dear friend, Kari, for keeping me company while I waited for the fly-by and for all the great pics she snapped. Thanks also to all of you who have reached out to me in the last day...we both feel so grateful to have such caring and thoughtful family and friends.
This is the view from the top of Point Loma. The land in the picture is Coronado Island, on the other side of the bay from the point. The area of the island you see is "North Island", the Navy base where Branden works.

:( Im here if you need anything!!!
What a cool way to say goodbye. Hang in there, girl!
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